Affiliate Disclosure

Regarding the links and content on this website, kindly assume the following:

Our main goal is to give you access to materials and knowledge that will help you become a better person in terms of both your mind and body. No matter how related, we will never link to anything or anybody that doesn’t serve our mission.

If I provide an affiliate link for a product, it is one that I have personally tried, strongly recommend and believe in.

Amazon affiliate is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

For example, links to official Bathmate site, if you happen to make a purchase via my link it comes with no cost to you but I make a small commission. I’m very thankful for you if you purchase via my links.

I’m very happy to recommend Bathmate products. I have had real success with them and am really happy with their products. So I’m also happy to affiliate link their products to everyone on my site.