Penis Shrinkage – Why It’s Happening And How To Prevent It

After about 30 years of age, penises of men begin to get smaller in size. In this article, you are going to learn why it’s happening and how to prevent & reverse penis shrinkage.

For most men, a shrinking penis is rather devastating. Personally, I was quite depressed when I saw my penis diminishing. Which directed me to research everything about penis shrinkage.

I uncovered the reasons why it’s happening and strategies to reverse it. Yes, I am going to reveal these strategies and information later.

But first, let’s actually look why penis shrinkage happens.

Why penis shrinks?

You probably know the phrase “Use it or lose it” when it comes to muscles. But did you know, that if you don’t use your penis, it can actually shrink about 20% in size?

Many men are shocked to learn that yes indeed their penis can start to shrink with age.

But why and how does it happen?

Here are the most common reason why penis shrinks:

– Reduced blood flow to the penis (health issues like blood pressure, arteries plague build up, aging)
– Scar tissue (from penis injuries)
– Smoking (blood vessels damage, penile vasospasm)1Biebel MG, Burnett AL, Sadeghi-Nejad H.
Male Sexual Function and Smoking.
Sex Med Rev. 2016 Oct;4(4):366-375. doi: 10.1016/j.sxmr.2016.05.001. Epub 2016 Jun 2. (Pubmed)

Peyronie’s disease or Chordee
– Common side effect from prostate surgery
– Getting fat (blood flow problems and if you gain enough weight your penis might burden under fat)
Lost morning erections (read How I got my morning erection back)
– Diminished testosterone levels leading into weaker erections.
– Lack of usage (impotence or celibacy)
– Certain medications can cause penis shrink (for example antidepressants)

Bad habits that contributed to penis shrinkage (in my case)

  • Bad eating and snacking with sugary candy and inflammation causing vegetable oils in the form of potato chips, candy, and junk food – chronically for months in a row basically every day.
  • Bad sleep and staying up too long browsing the phone and other blue light screens.
  • Lack of movement and not hitting the gym.
  • Isolation and not meeting women and having sex.

Lack of sex, lack of testosterone, lack of morning woods, lack of motivation to do any penis enhancement routines make you plummet into a very bad place.

We know that getting erections is crucial for penile health. Without erections or morning wood, we will lose our penile health and make our penis shrink in size from all that inaction.

This is exactly what happened to me. And in retrospect, it wasn’t that hard to fix it for me personally, because it didn’t get that far.

Erection problems arise usually from health problems in general

This is why I want to urge everyone to improve their health overall first of all. Absolutely do not succumb to try some “magic pill” solutions that supposedly changes everything via a pill or something like that.

Most often these quick pill solutions don’t do jack shit for you, ending up just wasting your time and money.

And for that matter causing harm to the world when people resort to pills & powders that have far fetched consequences.

For example, disgusting stuff like rhino horn hunting because some people think that powder gives you sexual vitality.

That shit gives attention to fake products and shills, and I urge everyone to approach these problems in a different manner on your own.

In this article, I will share how I started to look at this issue and what I did to it. This is for informational purposes only, not recommendations or medical advice.

If you are suffering from erection problems or penis shrinkage, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional first.

Let’s get to it…

First problems to tackle?

There’s so much you can achieve by focusing:
– Nutrition
– Sleep
– Exercise
– Stress management
– Adding easy penis enhancement habits into your life

Yes fixing things on your own isn’t quick and it takes time to see the results…

But you’ve got to think that there’s no rush, because anyway you have the rest of your life ahead…

Why not change things for the better once and for all for the rest of your lifetime, and not only for a short time with some “temporary solution”.

Role of nutrition in sexual health

Good video about how nutrition affects your sexual health

What to eat you might ask?

If you want to improve erections, it might be a good idea to add more nitrate-rich vegetables to your diet. Because eating nitrate-rich foods boost nitric oxide levels which is important for getting strong erections.

” Penile erection is a complex process involving psychogenic and hormonal input, and a neurovascular nonadrenergic, noncholinergic mechanism. Nitric oxide (NO) is believed to be the main vasoactive nonadrenergic, noncholinergic neurotransmitter and chemical mediator of penile erection. “

The role of nitric oxide in erectile dysfunction: implications for medical therapy.

Here’s something basic from every category to get you going, obviously there are more to choose in every category but this isn’t intended to be a complete list rather something to give you idea.

Here is what I eat for stronger erections

Vegetables & greens: broccoli, spinach, tomato, carrots, celery, cucumber, kale

Herbs and spices: parsley, oregano, basil, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg, cayenne, chili

Tubers: sweet potato, potato, beetroot

Fruits: water melon, kiwi, banana, apple, avocado, pomegranate, varying everything from lemon family, berries like blueberry & strawberry

Starches: oatmeal, white rice or even quinoa if physically active and need carbs

Protein sources: quality meat, fish (canned sardines are ok), eggs especially the yolk, preferably fermented milk products like cheese, unflavored whey protein powders are good also

Fat sources: butter, olive oil, avocado oil, macadamia oil, lard, most nuts except peanuts, some seeds like chia seeds and sesame (tahini, hummus)

Condiments: apple cider vinegar (the real stuff), balsamic vinegar, lemon juice, chili sauces

For drinking: just water most of the time or tea’s like Tulsi tea, hibiscus, chamomile, spring dragon longevity tea, green tea, and coffee also, once in a while glass of red wine

Fermented foods: sauerkraut, kimchi, blue cheese, kefir

steak and garlic
Nutrition is important

Good resources to study nutrition

Learning from good sources like specialized books is something I recommend highly.

Deep Nutrition is the book that I recommend the most for everyone interested to learn more about nutrition.

The basic premise of the book is “you are what you eat”; you can’t create a great life and good health with vegetable oil laden food, sugar and other artificial man made foods. Everything you put inside you it all has deep effect on your DNA, basically your whole life and even into epigenetics you offer to your offspring.

This is one of the books that I’ve learned a lot from regarding nutrition, and can wholeheartedly recommend it to every man (and woman too).

” Remove vegetable oils and trans fats that block the arteries and impair blood flow to penile tissue. – Quotation from Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food ”

Deep Nutrition is a book by Catherine Shanahan, MD (science director of the LA Lakers PRO Nutrition program)

Sleep and stress management

Yes, you must try to sleep better and manage stress because stress is actually one of the the worst offenders humans have to deal with it. Stress can also cause erection problems that could lead to penis shrinkage.

How to manage stress and sleep better?
Well on this topic I could write thousands of words, but instead, in this article, I’ll give you just the most important ones in bullet points:

Exercise like forest park walking is proven to lower stress levels.2Li, Q., Otsuka, T., Kobayashi, M. et al
Acute effects of walking in forest environments on cardiovascular and metabolic parameters.
Eur J Appl Physiol. 2011 Nov;111(11):2845-53. doi: 10.1007/s00421-011-1918-z. Epub 2011 Mar 23. (Pubmed)
Meditation, relaxation, reading can be extremely beneficial to lower cortisol.

Laughing lowers cortisol by boosting brain chemicals like endorphine, making you feel better. So put on some comedy shows or even watch stand up comedy from Youtube clips.

Gratitude and being grateful is a powerful tool to cancel negative thoughts by focusing on your blessings.

Journaling helps with this one and I personally like The Five Minute Journal as there’s everything built ready for you and makes journaling super easy & fast, also providing some great daily quotes for extra motivation and wisdom for your life.

The reality is, that for most people all the sleep problems vanish when they get their stress problems fixed and also get physical on your day to day life so you’ll sleep like a log.

But regarding sleeping better these can be extremely helpful, provided in bullet points again:

  • Consuming caffeine the last time when there’s over 8 hours to your bed time.
  • Filtering blue lights close to bedtime, so limiting exposure to mobile phones or computers and other screens and also using blue light filters like f.lux.
  • Getting complete darkness in your room for the night time. Perhaps invest in black-out curtains can be a great choice, because this one-time investment brings dividends in the form of good night’s sleep for you for years to come.
  • Limiting fluid intake before bedtime so you won’t wake up so likely in the middle of the night for pee session. I like to start not drinking anything for about 2 hours before bed time, just taking small sips of water/tea if needed.

These are just to get going, obviously, there are more and in the future, I might write more on this topic and also update more strategies into this article.

Penis enhancement strategies

“Is there any strategies that could prevent your penis from shrinking?”

Next, we will examine different strategies that men can use to prevent their penis from shrinking.

Kegel exercises

If you are experiencing erection problems, you very likely have weak and unused PC-muscles, the benefits you can get via regularly training your PC-muscle by doing kegels can be profound for your sex life.

Very helpful and very easy to do for everyone!

Recommended reading if you’re interested in kegel exercise benefits:
Kegel exercises for men: Understand the benefits

This is something all men interested in their health & sexual health should exercise a bit more, and more importantly make it a habit.


Jelqing is an ancient penis enhancement strategy where you “milk” your penis towards the tip. This forces blood flow to the penis and improves erections and health of the penis. Jelqing is also a very popular technique to increase penis size.

How to perform jelqing technique

  • First warm up your penis and get it about 60-80% erect.
  • Apply lotion for example baby oil or coconut oil to your penis.
  • Grab your penis base with your forefinger and thumb with the so-called “ok sign”.
  • Apply light pressure and slide your fingers from the base to the top of your penis (milking).
  • Once you reach the tip release and return to back to the base of your penis
  • Repeat for about 10 to maximum 20 minutes per day.

Yes, jelqing is basically “milking” where you push blood from the base to the tip of your penis.

To make it clearer, here’s a video about jelqing

Remember to take it slowly and don’t apply too much pressure which could cause more harm than good. You also must not be too erected as jelqing with full erection does nothing but harm. Take it slowly and take your time to learn it properly.

Does penis pumps work to prevent shrinking?

The beauty of a penis pump is in the fact that it sort of “forces” an erection on you inside the vacuum pump.

But do the use of penis pumps actually work in preserving and maintaining penis size?

Well, there are some studies which have evaluated the use of a vacuum erection device in men that have gone through a surgical procedure where their prostate gland is removed.

Did vacuum therapy work on penile shortening in these cases?

Yes, it did indeed help.

Initiating the use of a VED protocol at 1 month after RP improves early sexual function and helps to preserve penile length.

A pilot study on the early use of the vacuum erection device after radical retropubic prostatectomy.

The meta-analysis revealed that the early use of vacuum therapy could significantly improve the five-item International Index of Erectile Function and penile shrinkage in post-RP patients.

The Early Use of Vacuum Therapy for Penile Rehabilitation After Radical Prostatectomy: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

A penis pump can be a valuable tool, for the people who suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED) and can’t get erections on their own.

A tool that forces erection with its pressure chamber can indeed be a live saver for your penis.

For further & deeper information read Bathmate FAQ that I’ve written on the topic sharing experiences with penis pumps.

Conclusion on penis shrinkage

The saying “use it or lose it” is indeed very true. We’ve known it as a fact in regards to muscles, but it’s a fact also with your penis.

If you feel like you aren’t getting any erections and even lack morning woods…
…then all the alarm bells should ring if you are interested in keeping yourself and your penis healthy.

The solution is improving overall health and get a complete overhaul of your life starting from nutrition, stress management, sleeping habits, and exercise (physical activity).

All these things are quite easy to do once you get motivation into it.

Nowadays younger men have started to suffer from erection problems and even premature ejaculation problems.

These problems are all greatly ‘use it or lose it’ based problems, and it can lead to penis shrinkage and erectile dysfunction even early on.

These folks too need to address these problem before the real problems appear.

Hopefully these tools gives you something to work on, so you won’t lose your ability to get erections.