Beard And Attraction – Do Women Prefer Man With Beard?

Is beard attractive? Do women prefer men with beards? Evolution researchers have been trying to find an answer to this question for a long time. In this article you will learn what they have found about beard and attraction.

Do beard make men more attractive?

man with beard
Do women prefer man with beard?

If you look a real science about the subject (not bullshit ads sponsored by razor blade company) you notice that indeed majority of women find bearded man more attractive and masculine.

Evolutionary researchers showed that male beards are intended for signaling sexual maturity to women and dominance over other men.

So why the majority of women are attracted to bearded males?

The answer might be the intersexual selection. To understand it, we have to go back in time to the Stone age. Human evolution is slow and our brains partly prevail in the Stone age. It resembles that what we are attracted is pretty much hard-wired.

If women mate with a weak man in the Stone Age it might mean that their offspring will likely diminish. Weak and sick man would produce frail babies, and probably would not stick around to bring food to women and their offspring.

Evolution has developed certain abilities for women to pick up a strong and healthy mate. Dominant and aggressive men were the ones with the best capabilities to survive in that age. So it’s not really a surprise, that even today women brains are still somewhat hardwired to look for signs of dominance and aggression.

Science behind beard and attraction

Are there any scientifical studies that have shown bearded males more attractive? Yes, practically every study about the subject says the same, bearded males look more attractive, dominant and aggressive. Let’s look at what researchers have found out…

Heavy beard is most attractive but even light stubble wins clean-shaven

2016 study tested how facial masculinity and beard affects men attractiveness for relationships.

The results shown that women rated bearded faces more attractive and masculine and clean-shaven faces least attractive, as anticipated.

Scientist concluded that bearded man is attractive especially when women look for a long-term relationship.

Even with light stubble, your attractiveness increases

“There was also a significant facial hair × relationship context interaction, so that preferences for light and heavy stubble were higher when rated for short-term than full beards and clean-shaven faces. Full beards and faces with stubble received higher ratings than clean-shaven faces for long-term than short-term relationships. Heavy stubble received the highest ratings for general attractiveness followed by full beards and light stubble, which were rated almost evenly, with clean-shaven faces being rated least attractive.” – Study

Bearded males were rated as more masculine

Here is another study where women preferred bearded man. In this study, bearded males were rated as more masculine, healthier and even as better parents. Again clean-shaven faces were rated as unattractive.

“Women judged faces with heavy stubble as most attractive and heavy beards, light stubble and clean-shaven faces as similarly less attractive. In contrast, men rated full beards and heavy stubble as most attractive, followed closely by clean-shaven and light stubble as least attractive. Men and women rated full beards highest for parenting ability and healthiness. Masculinity ratings increased linearly as facial hair increased, and this effect was more pronounced in women in the fertile phase of the menstrual cycle, although attractiveness ratings did not differ according to fertility.” – Study

Beard equals more masculinity

Another study examined how beard affects female perceptions of attractiveness. Researcher’s found out that beard was associated with more masculinity, maturity, dominance and aggression.

“Male faces displaying a full beard were considered the most masculine, aggressive, socially mature, and older. Males with a light beard were considered the most dominant. Males with light stubble were considered to be the most attractive, light stubble was also preferred for both short- and long-term relationships.” – Study

Bearded men are seen as higher status

In this study, women from New Zealand and Samoa rated bearded men as more higher status, dominant and aggressive. However, they deny that bearded men were more attractive than clean-shaven men.

“Women and men from both cultures judge bearded faces to be older and ascribe them higher social status than the same men when clean-shaven. Images of bearded men displaying an aggressive facial expression were also rated as significantly more aggressive than the same men when clean-shaven.” – Study

Women may perceive bearded guys as higher social status.

Beard research concluded

The science seems to be very clear that growing a beard is beneficial to man. Also, majority of women favor bearded males and see them as more attractive and masculine. If you want to maximize your looks for attractiveness, you should thing about growing beard.

To sum it up: Positive things that are associated with beard
– People will see bearded man as higher status, masculine, mature and dominant (1, 2).
– Beard makes your face and jaw look bigger which psychologically make the man feel strong and self-confident (study).
– Beard might protects man from bacteria and infections (study)
– Beard might protect man from skin cancer that’s why it grows about 50% faster in summer (Study)

Should everyone grow beard to become more attractive?
It depends. First, you have to understand that in some situations beard might not bring the results you want.

For example, older study noted that more common beards are, less attractive they become. If every man in your city has a big beard. You might come off better as clean-shaven (if you are looking for a partner).

And never make clear conclusions like “every woman wants a bearded man” – we know that’s not the case.

On the other hand, if you want to maximize your looks for attractiveness, then in most cases beard is beneficial. Science is very clear, most females see unshaven men more attractive.

What to do if you can’t grow a beard?

First you have to understand that not all men can grow big beard. There is no need to worry.

Studies have shown that even light stubble is enough to make you look more attractive. Of course, that light stubble can go far with right kinda beard growing supplements.

Minoxidil can help grow hair and beard.

Best way to grow a thicker beard?

Topical application of 3% minoxidil (commonly know as rogaine) has been shown to be effective and safe for beard enhancement in this study made in Bangkok Thailand.1Ingprasert S, Tanglertsampan C, Tangphianphan N, Reanmanee C1.
Efficacy and safety of minoxidil 3% lotion for beard enhancement: A randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled study.
J Dermatol. 2016 Aug;43(8):968-9. doi: 10.1111/1346-8138.13312. Epub 2016 Feb 19. (Pubmed)

In this placebo-controlled study, researchers tested 3% minoxidil with 48 Thai men who wanted to grow a beard (20–60 years old). Men had not to use any hair or beard grow aids in the past 6 months.

Men were instructed to apply 0.5 mL of 3% minoxidil or equal amount of the placebo lotion to their chin and jaw line twice daily. The study was placebo-controlled and double-masked so men did not know whether they got placebo rogaine or real rogaine.

Researchers analyzed men’s beards every 4 weeks using photographs and changes in hair counts and beard diameter from baseline. After 16 weeks, men had to fill a survey where they examined their beard growing process and side-effects.

The desire for thicker beard motivated all the men to complete the study and the results came after 16 weeks.

In the 3% minoxidil group beard grow was significantly higher than that in the placebo lotion group according to photographic score. Hair count significantly increased in the 3% minoxidil group compared to the placebo lotion group. Also, in the self-assessment surveys, the 3% minoxidil group noted it to be effective in helping growing beard compared to guys in the placebo lotion group.

There was little difference between the groups in the hair diameter test, however, it was not statistically significant.

No significant adverse effects noted between groups and the researchers concluded that 3% minoxidil lotion seems to be useful and safe for beard improvement.

What is Minoxidil AKA Rogaine?
Minoxidil is FDA approved and available without a prescription. Minoxidil products are widely available pretty much everywhere, including Amazon.

For most people regular 5% Rogaine topical solution is a good choice. There is also easier to use “no mess” foam version available.

How to use it for beard grow?
Usage: apply 1 ml 2 times daily. Massage it directly the area where you want your beard to grow faster.

How long it takes?
Usually, it takes at least 2-3 months to see any results. Most people will see the biggest results after 4-6 months of use. In the above-mentioned study, men used it for 16 weeks and saw great results from it.

Is Minoxidil safe? Yes, it’s safe for most people. However, if you have heart disease you should consult your doctor before using it. If you experience chest pain, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, swelling feet or hands or redness you should stop use and consult a doctor.

Keep in mind that minoxidil is extremely toxic to animals.2Jordan TJM, Yaxley PE, Culler CA, Balakrishnan A.
Successful management of minoxidil toxicosis in a dog.
J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2018 Jan 15;252(2):222-226. doi: 10.2460/javma.252.2.222. (Pubmed)
Make sure your dogs or cats won’t get any exposure to it (keep it a safe place, wash hands after usage, don’t go sleep foam on the face, pets might lick your pillows and so on..).


Generally speaking, having a beard is a positive thing for men. According to studies, a bearded man is seen as more higher status, masculine, mature and more dominant than clean-shaven man. However, in the end, it comes down to personal preferences, and it appears that the majority of women prefer bearded guys over clean-shaven men. There are certain ladies who favor males who are clean-shaven. Still, based on the research, women appear to slightly prefer guys with beards over males who are clean-shaven.